Troubleshooting a Stressed Tree

Like any living creature, fruit trees can be plagued by a variety of ailments. Some of these are caused by pests or diseases, environmental stressors, and a lack of nutrients.

If some kind of pest or disease is afflicting your tree, check out our guide to common pests and diseases to identify the issue. Along with identification tips, we also include natural ways to deal with the problem. Find that info HERE.

Common environmental factors such as too much sun and too much or too little water can have the following symptoms:

  • Too much water: yellowing leaves, small leaves, root rot, poor quality fruit that ripens early
  • Too little water: wilting and yellowing leaves, fruit ripens and/or drops early, in conjunction with high heat edges of leaves will turn brown or entire leaf may brown and drop off tree
  • Sunscald: irregular reddish-brown sunken patches on fruit surface, can be alleviated with proper watering, nutrients, and adding shade cover