The Holistic Spray

Our Holistic Spray, based on the spray developed by Michael Phillips, is the primary way we deal with pests and diseases in our orchard. This all-natural spray provides the following benefits:

  • deters insect pests
  • mitigates disease by pre-colonizing plant surfaces with beneficial microbes
  • strengthens the tree's ability to fight off pests and diseases by giving it a nutritional boost
  • can reduce the need for other organic chemical inputs


Based on our own experience with the spray, we would highly recommend it! As the saying goes, 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!' Download Holistic Spray Recipe & Schedule.

Keep in mind that the Holistic Spray is a great general-use spray, but more specific treatments may be required if you are dealing with certain pests, diseases, or environmental stressors. 

Do you sell the Holistic Spray?

We do not sell the Holistic Spray, as it must be mixed and sprayed immediately, but we do sell the following components:

  • Neem oil (available at Black Swallow Living Soils
  • Fish hydrolysate, cold-pressed (available from us)
  • Liquid seaweed or kelp, (available from us)
  • Effective microbes (EM) (available from us/brew your own)
  • Biodegradable dish soap (available at any health food store)
  • Unsulfured blackstrap molasses (available from us)
  • Clean water (rainwater or reverse osmosis water, not hard water if possible)
  • Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) - Optional biological control for caterpillars (source from local garden center or hardware store, sometimes called BtK [Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki])