Scrumptious Sour Cherry Recipes
Steph RothShare
The staff at Silver Creek Nursery took advantage of a brief lull before the busyness of the spring season and crafted some culinary creations...
Keziah used the sour cherries from our dwarf sour cherry bushes in our orchard and created the following:
I had the opportunity to experiment with dwarf sour cherry recipes. One thing led to another and one recipe turned into two. The sour cherry gummies only required cherry juice. Now, I was left with the sour cherries themselves. Oh no, what should one do? Sour cherry crisp to the rescue!
Sour cherry tidbits:
Did you know? Sour cherry may be a helpful addition to your gout prevention and management regime. Click this link to see an article on the benefits of sour cherries!
Sour Cherry Gummies: https://athomeontheprairie.com/apple-cider-vinegar-gummies-recipe/
Staff Review: These gummies went over really well! Tart and sweet, even Wayne, who isn't a fan of gummies had nothing but compliments! A delicious treat!
Sour Cherry Crisp: https://www.runningtothekitchen.com/sour-cherry-crisp/
Staff Review: Yum! It's hard to go wrong with a crisp, and the almond crumble on top complemented it perfectly!